The Deeds that Make a Life

  A choice can be a simple thing, a moment in time with little apparent significance.  Yet, moving through time, from childhood into adulthood, all those little choices add up to make a life.  We build our characters, personalities, destinies, one deed at a time.  Our actions when we are stressed or emotionally exhausted provide an open window into the soul.  We become our choices; every decision made from the day we come into this world forms us into the people we are today.

It takes only one step to begin a thousand mile journey.  Each following step leads us closer to our goal and further away from where that first step was made.  At the end of any physical, emotional, or spiritual, journey, I am not who I was at the first choice or beginning.  The experience of the journey has created a new person, one who can never completely return to the start and choose another direction. 

Something to contemplate as we start a new year.  Who am I today? What new venture can I begin that will enhance the person I have become?  

A Blessing for the New Year!

  • My prayer for each of you is that your life will exceed your expectations. 
  • May your days be filled with perfect balance. 
  • May your Blessings keep you humble and grateful.
  • May your Joys be a never ceasing spring flowing from within. 
  • May your trials all become victories. And May this New Year be filled to the brim with possibility.  –Dara Dietz

About Dara Dietz

Dara D Dietz is co-founder with her Husband of H.E.A.L. Marketplace, a private Natural Healing Association. As a teacher and counselor she has been supporting the members of H.E.A.L. with Natural Healing information and herbal supports since 1998. She continues to maintain strong ties to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since healing her own kidney ailments she has assisted thousands of people in discovering and using natural herbal remedies. Dara has written and compiled numerous articles on a wide variety of natural healing topics. Drawing from her own healing experiences and borrowing from the vast wisdom of natural healers long departed, she continues to provide H.E.A.L.’s international membership with down to earth natural healing wisdom in H.E.A.L.’s bi-weekly newsletters. Dara and her husband currently reside in Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
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