Vertigo Testimony

Learning something new is always a blessing, the part I wish I could skip is the discomfort that often precedes the acquiring of the knowledge.  Several weeks ago I bit down on a date seed and broke my tooth.  Not a lot of pain or discomfort at this point.  I was able to get right into the dentist who referred me to an oral surgeon and was told the earliest available appointment was sometime in March.  To shorten this part of the testimony I will say,  I found a great dentist who does it all.  The tooth was pulled, it came out in four parts, not fun. 

Onto the learning something new part.  I developed a severe case of vertigo.  My husband did a little research online and discovered it is common to develop vertigo after oral surgery.  Something about messing with nerves in your head.  Not being new to this issue I was using Cayenne to clear the woozy head spinning, nausea, feeling awful, issues.  It just was not working well at all. 

If it had only been a little light headedness I could have gotten thought somehow but the Vertigo was also affecting my blood pressure.  Those spikes were serious.  My husband and I prayed asking the Lord for answers.  I finally decided to call the paramedics, the blood pressure had to be addressed.   

Now I can share how well the Lord answers prayers.

The two men who arrived had been working as paramedics for a long time.  The one truly understood my aversion to doctors and hospitals.  He had some understanding of herbs and believed in their power.  Understanding that I had been using the cayenne without effect he suggested I use herbs that work to dilate the blood vessels.  What herb is best for this, he asked.  Ginkgo biloba, of course, was my answer.  With that information in mind I took a full teaspoon of the Brain Formula, which is mostly Ginkgo.  Everything cleared in a matter of minutes.  The Father will answer us when we call for help.  He sent someone with the answers I needed in a way I never expected.

So here is what I have learned this past week.

Using any source of caffein will bring on vertigo.  No Coffee, Green or black Tea, or Chocolate as they are high in Caffein which is a vessel constrictor. 

Using the Brain formula & Cayenne have completely cleared the symptoms of vertigo.  My dose has been 1 teaspoon two or three times a day. 

I’m also doing a strong infection program as the broken tooth became infected before it was pulled. 

In the past Cayenne alone was enough to clear the head spinning episodes I occasionally had.  Understanding how to truly stop the issue is impowering .

About Dara Dietz

Dara D Dietz is co-founder with her Husband of H.E.A.L. Marketplace, a private Natural Healing Association. As a teacher and counselor she has been supporting the members of H.E.A.L. with Natural Healing information and herbal supports since 1998. She continues to maintain strong ties to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since healing her own kidney ailments she has assisted thousands of people in discovering and using natural herbal remedies. Dara has written and compiled numerous articles on a wide variety of natural healing topics. Drawing from her own healing experiences and borrowing from the vast wisdom of natural healers long departed, she continues to provide H.E.A.L.’s international membership with down to earth natural healing wisdom in H.E.A.L.’s bi-weekly newsletters. Dara and her husband currently reside in Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
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