Herbal Support for Hemorrhoid’s

A good Definition of a Hemorrhoid: Veins or blood vessels in and around the anus and lower rectum become swollen and irritated. This happens when there is extra pressure on these veins. Hemorrhoids can be either inside your anus (internal) or under the skin around your anus (external).

Both Varicose veins and Hemorrhoids are evidence of a nutritional poor food program. Stopping the intake of junk foods, that leach calcium from the body, will begin to clear the underlying cause allowing these conditions to thrive in the body.

Sugar in the form of candy, beverages (pop, coffee, etc), pastries and bread are the basic cause of this condition. These leach out the calcium from the body. Other culprits are white flour, tobacco, and liquor. One of the first places the leaching starts is in the veinous structure of the body, drawing off the supporting calcium. This is turn weakens the veins, causing varicose veins, which will, if allowed to continue, become phlebitis.

Here is a pdf providing several herbal suggestions to aid in reducing the inflammation and stopping the discomfort which often accompanies hemorrhoid’s.

Member Testimony

A member recently shared a hemorrhoid herbal remedy that worked beautifully for her.

She had developed a rather large prolapse hemorrhoid. After looking through suggestions for knocking down the inflammation and discomfort she decided to use her Rosemary Essential oil and castor oil over the prolapse area. She combined two teaspoons of castor oil with 5 drops of Rosemary EO, mixed well and applied over the area.

The results were that by bedtime the inflammation was reduced by 50% and the discomfort stopped when the mix was applied. Sounds like a winning herbal suggestion worth trying.

About Dara Dietz

Dara D Dietz is co-founder with her Husband of H.E.A.L. Marketplace, a private Natural Healing Association. As a teacher and counselor she has been supporting the members of H.E.A.L. with Natural Healing information and herbal supports since 1998. She continues to maintain strong ties to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since healing her own kidney ailments she has assisted thousands of people in discovering and using natural herbal remedies. Dara has written and compiled numerous articles on a wide variety of natural healing topics. Drawing from her own healing experiences and borrowing from the vast wisdom of natural healers long departed, she continues to provide H.E.A.L.’s international membership with down to earth natural healing wisdom in H.E.A.L.’s bi-weekly newsletters. Dara and her husband currently reside in Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
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