The purpose of this article is to provide an Understanding the Natural Laws of Health; How we earn our dis-ease and how to clear dis-ease from the body.


If we take an honest look at nature, we will observe that three things are present:

1) Nature follows definite laws which are not subject to opinion or variance; and
2) Every aspect of life is reflected by nature.
3) Nature is governed by the law of CAUSE and EFFECT.

If we have violated a natural law, we have created a Cause, for which we will suffer an Effect.
Our ignorance of the laws of Nature does not change these laws.

There are two reasons for disease, or lack of health: 1) Ignorance or 2) Laziness

In the field of health, there are a few good rules to follow to achieve health.
1) Follow the laws of Nature
2) Let Truth be your authority, not authority your truth.

One of the Laws of Nature is that the innate intelligence of the body strives to keep the body alive, regardless of the cost. The “cost” is what we call “disease”. Disease is the effort of the body to keep us alive.


The body will keep us alive and healthy provided that we feed it “Real Food”. Real food is a food which is compatible with the body; that in no way takes from the body, but lends itself to the building up of health and maintaining life. It contains nothing that is harmful, toxic or non usable by the body. Real Food is defined for us by Nature as follows:

1) Something edible grown by Nature of the Plant Kingdom
2) Food which can be eaten without processing in any way.
3) Food which comes to us from Nature as “complete packages”, that is, they contain naturally everything in them necessary for the body to process and assimilate that food.


The only qualities of food which the body requires in a complete package are the following: If all of these components are in the food, the food is complete. If any of these are missing, the food is not “Real Food”.

Real Food is provided by Nature in this form as raw fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables contain all of the parts mentioned above. If food has been processed, cooked or altered in any way so as to change or eliminate any of the above ingredients, it is no longer “Real Food” as far as the Human Body is concerned.


The plant kingdom utilizes sunshine, carbon dioxide, oxygen, water and organic minerals in the process of photosynthesis to feed itself and grow. The result is a living plant (food for animal consumption) containing:

  • glucose
  • protein
  • fatty acids
  • organic minerals
  • organic enzymes (vitamins)
  • water (pure)

Inorganic Mineral from the Earth + Photosynthesis = Organic Minerals from Plants which provide Protein and Enzymes for animals and humans.

Download the pdf below for the entire article.

About Dara Dietz

Dara D Dietz is co-founder with her Husband of H.E.A.L. Marketplace, a private Natural Healing Association. As a teacher and counselor she has been supporting the members of H.E.A.L. with Natural Healing information and herbal supports since 1998. She continues to maintain strong ties to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since healing her own kidney ailments she has assisted thousands of people in discovering and using natural herbal remedies. Dara has written and compiled numerous articles on a wide variety of natural healing topics. Drawing from her own healing experiences and borrowing from the vast wisdom of natural healers long departed, she continues to provide H.E.A.L.’s international membership with down to earth natural healing wisdom in H.E.A.L.’s bi-weekly newsletters. Dara and her husband currently reside in Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
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